Anal Toy Safety Quiz: Test Your Knowledge

Anal Toy Safety Quiz: Test Your Knowledge

Are you familiar with the safety guidelines for using anal toys? Test your knowledge with this quiz to ensure you're practicing safe and enjoyable play.

Question 1: What materials are safe for anal toys?

a) Silicone
b) Glass
c) PVC
d) All of the above

Question 2: True or False - Lubricant is not necessary when using anal toys.

Question 3: What is the recommended way to clean anal toys?

a) Warm water and mild soap
b) Antibacterial toy cleaner
c) Boiling water
d) All of the above

Question 4: How often should you replace your anal toys?

a) Every 3 months
b) Every 6 months
c) Every year
d) Only if they show signs of wear and tear

Question 5: True or False - Sharing anal toys without proper cleaning is safe.

Once you've answered all the questions, let's check your results!

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